This bridge over the waterfall is the last of the bridge images. The shape and its situation was most attractive. Where the river widens there were often lovely reflections but it was not always easy to get sharp images.
From the first picture it is clear how much more difficult laying the track must have been on the other side of the gorge. Where the river widens there were a number of bald eagles and osprey. This one was flying along with the train. They are huge birds with a wing-span of up to 1.83m/6 feet. There was an huge osprey nest on top of a telegraph pole beside the track which was said to have been there for about 100 years and still being used. Later we saw two black bears alongside the track. No one was quick enough to get a good photograph of them, only their tail end disappearing out the edge of the picture.
There were numerous bridges across the Fraser River as originally two different companies built the rail lines. The first always took the easiest side of the gorge crossing the river whenever necessary. The second company had to use the opposite side of the gorge which cost a great deal more because of the more difficult terrain. Now the two companies are merged so the service is much better and safer with east bound going one way and west bound services the other. The view looking towards the front of the train only shows a few of the twenty-two carriages used on our train.
The autumn colour was giving the scenery a much greater interest than without it, although it was not always easy to photograph from the moving train. Often there were power cables strung just at eye level which seemed a shame on such a renowned tourist journey. The second image is of one of the many bridges over the Fraser River, this one at a point called "Hell's Gate".
We were welcomed on board the Rockymountaineer Train by very friendly staff and this lovely flower arrangement. Fresh flowers were also on the dining tables each day. The views from the train were spectacular and this was of the first lake we passed. I cannot be sure of its name. Our journey from Vancouver to Calgary over two days covered 1112 kilometres or 676 miles. I took many photographs but many opportunities were missed as well as things just went past too quickly.
This was just one of a number of very early starts on my trip. Quite why such early starts are necessary I do not know. However, the day was fine and, after waiting until nearly 8am., we set off backwards until we reached the set of points that sent us off in the right direction.
This is one of Gari's pieces fired in the wood fired Tozan kiln which I rather like. On the way back the evening light was wonderful reflecting from some of the very tall buildings in Vancouver but the soft sunset on the clouds and hills of Horseshoe Bay was indicative of the fine weather coming for the next few days.
With all our best intentions, and some quick driving by Gari, I missed the ferry back to Vancouver by two minutes. So we had some time to fill before the next ferry, which was good, as we were able to visit a new shopping mall and see the gallery where Gari and Ian showed their work along with other potters and painters along with a good cup of coffee and more talk before arriving in plenty of time to catch the next ferry.
The Cowichan river runs past Cathi's place and has some good fishing spots. It was a very pretty area with some autumn colour showing. Cathi's cat seemed to like Gari.
Cathi's home was lovely as was this platter of hers. After visiting her home we went into Duncan, a small town a few Km. away to see an installation she had in a small gallery. It was one of the best ceramic installations I have ever seen, combining large blocks and totem like pieces with photography of some of her trees and suitable music. It was not possible to photograph the installation or I would be showing it on my blog.
After seeing the Tozan kiln Gari and Ian drove me to see Cathi Jefferson, another of the Canadian potters I met at the 2002 Aomori Wood Fire Festival in Japan. Her place was in a wonderful setting and Cathi's gallery was quite new and had a lot of her wonderfully decorated pieces on show.
Back to where I started my world trip; Gari and Ian took me to see the Tozan Kiln which is a little way out of Nanaimo. This was the first kiln I saw on my trip and I only wish it was being fired on my visit. There is a photo of it being fired in the booklet "Tozan Cultural Society 10th. Anniversary 1995 - 2005" which looks mighty exciting. There may be more on the Tozan website at I haven't taken the time to look yet.
As much as I would like to show the images of my trip in the order they were taken I cannot resist putting this one on my blog now. Vermont is a very beautiful area of the United States and the colour was just brilliant, as you can see. I stayed with Robert and Christine Compton whose web-site is well worth a visit. Robert was firing his large wood fired kiln when I arrived and the smell of smoke and the sounds of the fire brought back so many memories. If you are ever in Bristol and like cheese then you should visit the Shelburne Farm complex where they demonstrate the making of cheese. Their mature cheddar is the best I have ever tasted.
Some may have guessed that I have been away although my son posted a few blogs during the four weeks I was overseas. I now have enough images to post one every day for the next two years but I promise not to be so boring. This was my first image on arriving in British Colombia where I caught this ferry to go to Nanaimo to visit Gari Whelon and Ian Nattrass.
The Heron Migrates is the story of how a Japanese anagama kiln came to New Zealand. From Estelle and Bruce Martin's diaries from their trips to Japan and the building and firing of the Kamaka anagama. Soft cover with 400 photographs and drawings. 160 pages.
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